While we make every effort to maintain highest product quality and deliver them safely to you, mother nature will sometimes still get the better of us. Heat, humidity, rain, snow, vibrations in a vehicle, and a plethora of other environmental conditions can affect the quality of the product you receive at your doorstep.
In the event where a substitution of our product is necessary, it most likely indicates that the product can be unsafe for consumption. In this case, we may request that you destroy all the contents of the product or its remaining contents for your safety and the safety of anyone (including animals and pets) that may potentially consume or come in contact with the product before we send a replacement.
In order to dispose the contents of our products safely, please do the following:
- Get a bowl large enough to contain all the contents of the product
- Fill the bowl with warm water.
- Place the bowl of water in a sink so that it does not spill.
- Pour the contents of our product into the bowl of water
- Get a piece of paper, write or print the current date on it and place it near the bowl. Please write legibly in dark ink.
- Take a picture of the bowl clearly showing the submerged product contents and the piece of paper with the written date beside it.
- Discard the products safely after you have taken the photo. Be careful with splash water as ingredients like turmeric powder can stain clothing and plastics.
- Reply to our Customer Service team with the photo attached for validation.