If you notice an unexpected duplicate charge on your banking or card account statement for a single order with us, do not be alarmed.
We have worked with our payment gateways and banks to investigate these occurrences and can confirm that in most cases the additional/duplicate charge is an authorization charge by the cardholders financial institution. Authorization charges act as a precautionary measure put in place by the card issuing bank or credit card provider, and it is not something that BB Company has control over.
It is important to note the following:
- Some card issuing banks or credit card providers may return the authorization fee in around 14 business days, some take longer. BB Company has no control over this duration.
- If a credit card was used to purchase, contact the credit card provider.
- BB Company does not have access to view bank or credit card provider imposed deductions. These do not appear in our system at all as the funds are not received by us.
You can reach out to our customer service team to verify your deducted order amount against the funds received by us.
To obtain a refund on any charges deemed bank or credit card provider imposed, or questions about why it was applied, we recommend contacting the financial institution that issued the card used for payment of your order.
* Disclaimer *
A common miscommunication from the bank or credit card provider's support team takes place when they allege the double charge came from us. What they usually mean is that the amount originated from the charge processed by our system due to rules they have set for their institution and they received the funds.
If a duplicate charge has been verified by our support team as a bank or credit card provider imposed deduction, and you haven't received a refund of the amount within your card provider's normal processing period, it is important to tell them the following when you reach out to them:
"The seller has confirmed that the duplicate charge seen is a bank or credit card provider imposed deduction. The seller has no control over bank or credit card provider imposed deductions and cannot see those in their system. As such, only the imposing financial institution is able to refund it."
Again, to obtain a refund on any charges deemed bank or credit card provider imposed you must contact the payment method provider used.