If you notice an unexpected duplicate charge on your banking or card account statement for a single order with us, do not be alarmed.
We have worked with our payment gateways and banks to investigate these occurences and can confirm that the additional/duplicate charge is an authorization charge by the cardholder's financial institution.
This charge is temporarily added to customers' account by the bank as a precautionary measure, and it is not something that BB Company has control over.
You can reach out to our customer service team to verify your order amount against the charges but will not have any details beyond that.
If you have any questions regarding the refund of the charge or why it was applied, we recommend contacting the financial institution that issued your card. They will be able to provide you with more information and clarification on the matter.
It is important to note that your bank will typically remove the duplicate charge from your banking account statement within 14 business days.